Feb 25, 2009

Cassia, What is it?

You may have recently seen ads for Proctor and Gamble's new line of Pantene Pro-V products called Nature Infusion that contain, among some other natural ingredients, Cassia. But what exactly is Cassia?

According to the Pantene website Cassia is: "Native to India, cassia is a wild herb and grows to be about three feet tall. This plant has small, pale yellow flowers and is known for its aromatic bark." They go on to say that they use: "The essence of the cassia seed." And the: "Cassia used in Pantene Nature Fusion is exclusively sourced from India." Furthermore: "Pantene science has found a way to harness the conditioning properties of the cassia plant. The gum powder produced from the cassia seed is where those conditioning properties lie."

Wikipedia explains that there is some confusion about what plants are actually considered Cassia and what aren't. Other online sources seem to indicate that it may be similar to cinnamon.

Regardless, Cassia seems to be one of the new ingredient buzz words this year.

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